Financial Insights

Insight #3: Our head, our heart and money – what you need to know credit cards

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Have you noticed credit card advertisements on television? – sign up to the new deal, with 0% interest for a period of time and you’ll get into their rewards scheme. If you follow the marketing further, we’ll never get charged as long as we pay off our the balance each month. Why would banks and…

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Profinance Insight #2

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As business owners, we want to attract and retain staff. One of the ways that we can do that is through taking an interest in our staff and using our wisdom and experience to help them. Insight # 2 shows, how through staff and employer Kiwisaver contributions staff can easily create meaningful 7 figure wealth…

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Profinance Insight #1; How to Keep that Holiday Feeling When You Get Back to Work

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New Zealand Business Owners are notorious for not taking holidays at “Holiday Time”. A recent American survey showed that at least half of the 1,000 surveyed did not plan to take a summer holiday. Some cited lack of money, and 22 percent claimed they could not take time off from work. It’s true that after…

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